Wetterwarnungen Archiv: Dienstag 26.03.2024 10:32 MEZ - Großbritannien

Warning UK Day 0

Warning UK Day 1

Warning UK Day 2

Warning UK Day 3

Warning UK Day 4

Warning UK Day 1

Warning UK Day 1

Warning UK Day 1

Warning UK Day 1

Be aware
Be prepared
Take action
Coloured regions on the map show where severe weather warnings have been issued.
Warning wind
Warning rain
Warning snow
Warning ice
Warning fog
Wetterwarnungen, 27.03.2024, Nordirland

Unwetterwarnung: Regen


ausgegeben vom Metoffice at
   09:32, 26.03.2024

gültig von
   18:00, 26.03.2024
gültig bis
   06:00, 27.03.2024

Region: Nordirland


Rain, becoming heavy at a times across east-facing parts of the Mournes and Antrim Plateau, will push north across Northern Ireland this evening, clearing to the north by dawn tomorrow. Rain will be accompanied by strong and gusty easterly winds. Most parts of the warning area will see 15-25 mm of rain, with widely 30-40, locally 50 mm falling across exposed hills of the east. Some localised flooding is possible, as is disruption to infrastructure and travel.

Chief Forecaster

Persistent rain bringing some impacts to travel and infrastructure overnight and for a time Wednesday.

The public is advised to take extra care, further information and advice can be found here: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/links.html

Local Authorities: County Antrim, County Down